Kaspersky XoristDecryptor v2.2.15.0

Kaspersky XoristDecryptor v2.2.15.0

Kaspersky XoristDecryptor v2.2.15.0 | 1 MB
Letitbit & Filesonic

A malicious program Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Xorist family is intended for an unauthorized user modification of data on a victim computer so as to make it impossible to work with them, or block the normal operation of the computer. Once data is "held hostage" (blocked), the user is a ransom demand. Voiced in the request for the amount of the victim must give the attacker then the attacker promises to send a program to recover data or a normal computer capacity. To fight malware family Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Xorist utility designed XoristDecryptor.exe. The utility has a graphical interface XoristDecryptor.exe.

This Trojan encrypts files with extensions:
doc, xls, docx, xlsx, db, mp3, waw, jpg, jpeg, txt, rtf, pdf, rar, zip, psd, msi, tif, wma, lnk, gif, bmp, ppt, pptx, docm, xlsm, pps, ppsx, ppd, tiff, eps, png, ace, djvu, xml, cdr, max, wmv, avi, wav, mp4, pdd, html, css, php, aac, ac3, amf, amr, mid, midi, mmf, mod, mp1, mpa, mpga, mpu, nrt, oga, ogg, pbf, ra, ram, raw, saf, val, wave, wow, wpk, 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3mm, amx, avs, bik, bin, dir, divx, dvx, evo, flv, qtq, tch, rts, rum, rv, scn, srt, stx, svi, swf, trp, vdo, wm, wmd, wmmp, wmx, wvx, xvid, 3d, 3d4, 3df8, pbs, adi, ais, amu, arr, bmc, bmf, cag, cam, dng, ink, jif, jiff, jpc, jpf, jpw, mag, mic, mip, msp, nav, ncd, odc, odi, opf, qif, qtiq, srf, xwd, abw, act, adt, aim, ans, asc, ase, bdp, bdr, bib, boc, crd, diz, dot, dotm, dotx, dvi, dxe, mlx, err, euc, faq, fdr, fds, gthr, idx, kwd, lp2, ltr, man, mbox, msg, nfo, now, odm, oft, pwi, rng, rtx, run, ssa, text, unx, wbk, wsh, 7z, arc, ari, arj, car, cbr, cbz, gz, gzig, jgz, pak, pcv, puz, r00, r01, r02, r03, rev, sdn, sen, sfs, sfx, sh, shar, shr, sqx, tbz2, tg, tlz, vsi, wad, war, xpi, z02, z04, zap, zipx, zoo, ipa, isu, jar, js, udf, adr, ap, aro, asa, ascx, ashx, asmx, asp, aspx, asr, atom, bml, cer, cms, crt, dap, htm, moz, svr, url, wdgt, abk, bic, big, blp, bsp, cgf, chk, col, cty, dem, elf, ff, gam, grf, h3m, h4r, iwd, ldb, lgp, lvl, map, md3, mdl, mm6, mm7, mm8, nds, pbp, ppf, pwf, pxp, sad, sav, scm, scx, sdt, spr, sud, uax, umx, unr, uop, usa, usx, ut2, ut3, utc, utx, uvx, uxx, vmf, vtf, w3g, w3x, wtd, wtf, ccd, cd, cso, disk, dmg, dvd, fcd, flp, img, iso, isz, md0, md1, md2, mdf, mds, nrg, nri, vcd, vhd, snp, bkf, ade, adpb, dic, cch, ctt, dal, ddc, ddcx, dex, dif, dii, itdb, itl, kmz, lcd, lcf, mbx, mdn, odf, odp, ods, pab, pkb, pkh, pot, potx, pptm, psa, qdf, qel, rgn, rrt, rsw, rte, sdb, sdc, sds, sql, stt, t01, t03, t05, tcx, thmx, txd, txf, upoi, vmt, wks, wmdb, xl, xlc, xlr, xlsb, xltx, ltm, xlwx, mcd, cap, cc, cod, cp, cpp, cs, csi, dcp, dcu, dev, dob, dox, dpk, dpl, dpr, dsk, dsp, eql, ex, f90, fla, for, fpp, jav, java, lbi, owl, pl, plc, pli, pm, res, rnc, rsrc, so, swd, tpu, tpx, tu, tur, vc, yab, 8ba, 8bc, 8be, 8bf, 8bi8, bi8, 8bl, 8bs, 8bx, 8by, 8li, aip, amxx, ape, api, mxp, oxt, qpx, qtr, xla, xlam, xll, xlv, xpt, cfg, cwf, dbb, slt, bp2, bp3, bpl, clr, dbx, jc, potm, ppsm, prc, prt, shw, std, ver, wpl, xlm, yps, md3.


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